
If cluelessness were crude oil

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This argument was brought up when Austin, TX banned plastic bags. Yes, maybe 1% of plastic bags handed out were reused in this manner. Probably less. But how popular IS juuling? My sister teaches 9th grade and said one student ratted on another student because they saw them juuling in the bathroom on Snapchat. What the general opinion on Juuls (or what about cigs/smoking in general)??A large number of these chemicals have serious health consequences, including cancer, lung disease, and heart disease. A recent study found five cheap canada goose uk cancer causing toxins in the urine of 16 year olds who inhaled e cigarette vapor.

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Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it ever so much more rapidly. If cluelessness were crude oil, your scalp would be crawling with caribou..

At our last apartment we went from no flies to like 50 over a weekend when the weather started to get warm. They would sit on the windows behind the blinds. One of us had the bright idea to spray them with Windex (or whatever off brand window cleaner we had) to see if it would slow them down.

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But I also find that people have taken individual stories (such as the infamous “Amazon workers pee into bottles because they get no bathroom breaks) and blown them out of proportion as though they are ubiquitous. They aren If they were, OSHA would be having a cow. And Amazon has been making strides towards canada goose hat uk treating its workforce better recently, such as the recent $15 company wide minimum wage.In short, it is true that Amazon has a ton of power, but it power that its customers want them to have (in order to continue producing high quality products), and can really be used for nefarious purposes without dire consequences to the Amazon brand.


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